Saturday, 10 November 2012

Phlegm Relief - Expulsion by Moringa Leaves

Moringa leaves is very effective in curing phlegm. If you are suffering coughs because of phlegm and want to immediately get well use moringa leaves as a cure.

To know more how Moringa leaves look like search Moringa in Google Images.

It is very easy to prepare Moringa herbal cure for Phlegm. You have to extract manualy 1 table spoon of pure Moringa juice from the leaves. Then put a small part of sugar or honey and drink it. You can drink 2-3 table spoons everyday.

In a few hours you will immediately feel that phlegm is being expelled from your throat or lungs.  Spit the phlegm in safe place and maintain proper hygiene in your environment so that others will not catch the virus from your expelled phlegm.

I hope that this tip will help you or someone important in your life. Please share this post to also help others know this very useful and life-saving information.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    How often should thi stea be taken? Is it ok for long term? I have got some from a friend. Do you know if it can be taken with subclinic hypotirodysm? I am also planning to get pregnant.
